Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of functions in the category model

model_default_add_object_actionThis function returns a _AdaptiveAction_ object for the default action performed if a onAdd parameter is not specified on the associated _AdaptiveModelObjectType_. The action is not performed, but be aware that functions called while producing the _AdaptiveAction_ object may cause side effects. This function can be called as part of a onAdd expression or for testing.
model_default_delete_object_actionThis function returns a _AdaptiveAction_ object for the default action performed if a onDeleteObject parameter is not specified on the associated _AdaptiveModelObjectType_. The action is not performed, but be aware that functions called while producing the _AdaptiveAction_ object may cause side effects. This function can be called as part of a onDelete expression or for testing.
model_default_modify_object_actionThis function returns a _AdaptiveAction_ object for the default action performed if a onModifyObject parameter is not specified on the associated _AdaptiveModelObjectType_. The action is not performed, but be aware that functions called while producing the _AdaptiveAction_ object may cause side effects. This function can be called as part of a onModify expression or for testing.
model_default_replace_object_actionThis function returns a _AdaptiveAction_ object for the default action performed if a onReplaceObject parameter is not specified on the associated _AdaptiveModelObjectType_. The action is not performed, but be aware that functions called while producing the _AdaptiveAction_ object may cause side effects. This function can be called as part of a onReplace expression or for testing.
model_mapBackObject_signatureThis is the function signature for current:mapBackObject used by onGetObjects and onRetrieveObjects. Calling this directly will throw a "Do not call directly" error.
model_mapObject_signatureThis is the function signature for current:mapObject used by onAddObject. onDeleteObject, onModifyObject, and onReplaceObject. Calling this directly will throw a "Do not call directly" error.
model_returnObject_signatureThis is the function signature for current:returnObject used by onGetObjects and onRetrieveObjects. Calling this directly will throw a "Do not call directly" error.