Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the object type _AdaptiveConf_requestHandler_adaptor:

collectionURIs[ "/afw/_AdaptiveCollection_/core" ]
descriptionAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=requestHandler handlerType=adaptor.
propertyTypes{ "_meta_": { "label": " Meta ", "parentPaths": [ "/afw/_AdaptiveObjectType_/_AdaptiveConf_requestHandler/propertyTypes" ] }, "adaptorId": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "If specified, this adaptorId is prepended to the path", "dataType": "string", "description": "If this property is specified, a '/' followed by adaptorId is prepended to the path passed to process request if it does not already have that prefix.", "label": "Adaptor" }, "objectType": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "If specified, this objectType is prepended to the path", "dataType": "string", "description": "If this property is specified, a '/' followed by adaptorId followed by a '/' followed by objectType is prepended to the path passed to process request if it does not already have that prefix. If this property is specified, adaptorId is required.", "label": "Object Type" }, "defaultOptions": { "allowQuery": false, "brief": "Default object options for method GET requests through this request handler", "dataType": "object", "dataTypeParameter": "_AdaptiveObjectOptions_", "description": "This is the default object options for method GET requests though this request handler.", "label": "Default Options" } }

Click here for a complete list of object types and their descriptions.