Adaptive Framework 0.9.0

Function Categories

The following is a list of function categories.

adaptorThese functions access adaptive objects via an Adaptive Framework adaptor.
administrativeThese are function used to administer the adaptive environment.
anyURIThese function are related to data type anyURI. The "<anyURI>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
authorizationAuthorization related functions.
base64BinaryThese function are related to data type base64Binary. The "<base64Binary>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
booleanThese function are related to data type boolean. The "<boolean>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
compilerThese are functions that compile, convert, decompile, and evaluated adaptive syntax.
dateThese function are related to data type date. The "<date>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
dateTimeThese function are related to data type dateTime. The "<dateTime>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
dayTimeDurationThese function are related to data type dayTimeDuration. The "<dayTimeDuration>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
dnsNameThese function are related to data type dnsName. The "<dnsName>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
doubleThese function are related to data type double. The "<double>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
expressionThese function are related to data type expression. The "<expression>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
functionThese function are related to data type function. The "<function>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
hexBinaryThese function are related to data type hexBinary. The "<hexBinary>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
higher_order_listHigher-order list functions.
hybridThese hybrid are related to data type hybrid. The "<hybrid>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
ia5StringThese function are related to data type ia5String. The "<ia5String>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
indexesIndex related functions that act on adaptive objects.
integerThese function are related to data type integer. The "<integer>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
ipAddressThese function are related to data type ipAddress. The "<ipAddress>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
journalFunctions related to adaptive journal.
listThese function are related to data type list. The "<list>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
logicalLogical Boolean functions.
miscellaneousMiscellaneous functions.
modelModel related functions.
nullThese function are related to data type null. The "<null>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
objectThese function are related to data type object. The "<object>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
objectIdThese function are related to data type objectId. The "<objectId>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
objectPathThese function are related to data type objectPath. The "<objectPath>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
passwordThese function are related to data type password. The "<password>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
polymorphicFunctions that are used by more than one <Type>.
randomRandom functions.
regexpThese regexp are related to data type regexp. The "<regexp>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
rfc822NameThese function are related to data type rfc822Name. The "<rfc822Name>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
scriptThese functions support adaptive scripts.
streamThese functions access adaptive streams.
stringThese function are related to data type string. The "<string>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
templateThese template are related to data type template. The "<template>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
timeThese function are related to data type time. The "<time>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
valueThese are function that work on all adaptive values and their associated meta.
x500NameThese function are related to data type x500Name. The "<x500Name>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.
xpathFunctions on path expressions used to navigate in XML documents.
xpathExpressionFunctions on path expressions used to navigate in XML documents.
yearMonthDurationThese function are related to data type yearMonthDuration. The "<yearMonthDuration>" in function ids in this category is optional. If omitted, the function will be called polymorphically based of the data type of the first parameter.