Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the function convert_AdaptiveQueryCriteria_to_query_string:

briefConvert _AdaptiveQueryCriteria_ to RQL
descriptionThis function converts an _AdaptiveQueryCriteria_ object to a query string.
parameters[ { "dataType": "object", "dataTypeParameter": "_AdaptiveQueryCriteria_", "description": "An object type _AdaptiveQueryCriteria_ object.", "name": "queryCriteria" }, { "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the adaptorId of adaptor containing the objectType for validating and mapping this query. If not specified, no validation or mapping will occur.", "name": "adaptorId", "optional": true }, { "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the objectType used in conjunction with the adaptorId parameter. This parameter is only allowed and is required if the adaptorId parameter is specified.", "name": "objectType", "optional": true }, { "dataType": "integer", "description": "The style of the query string produced. All of the styles are appropriately url encoded.\n\n0 - \"name=op=value\" where \"=op=\" will be \"==\", \"!=\", \"=ge=\", etc. with conjunctions \"&\" (and) and \"|\" (or). Parentheses are placed around each group of like conjunctions except for outer \"&\". (default)\n\n1 - the same as 1 with \"=gte=\" instead of \"=ge=\", \"=lte=\" instead of \"=le=\", \"=eq=\" instead of \"=\", and \"=ne=\" instead of '!='.\n\n2 - similar to 1 with ';' for '&' and ',' for '|'.\n\n3 - comparisons \"op(name,value)\" where \"op\" will be \"eq\", \"ne\", \"ge\", ..., plus conjunctions \"and(list)\" and \"or(list)\" where \"list\" is a comma separated list of any comparison or conjunction.", "name": "style", "optional": true } ]
returns{ "dataType": "string", "description": "Query string representation of the query criteria." }