Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the object type _AdaptiveModelCurrentOnGetInitialObjectId_:

collectionURIs[ "/afw/_AdaptiveCollection_/core" ]
descriptionQualifier current:: for model onGetInitialObjectId.
propertyTypes{ "adaptorId": { "brief": "Adaptor Id", "dataType": "string", "description": "The adaptor id of the object being converted to mapped object.", "label": "Adaptor Id", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_adaptorId" } }, "adaptorTypeSpecific": { "brief": "Adaptor specific", "dataType": "object", "description": "This is the adaptorTypeSpecific parameter value.", "label": "Adaptor Specific", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_adaptorTypeSpecific" } }, "mappedAdaptorId": { "brief": "Mapped Adaptor Id", "dataType": "string", "description": "The adaptor id of the object being converted to object.", "label": "Mapped Adaptor Id", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_mappedAdaptorId" } }, "mappedObject": { "brief": "Mapped Object", "dataType": "object", "description": "This is mappedObject from adaptor.", "label": "Mapped object id", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_mappedObject" } }, "mappedObjectId": { "brief": "Mapped Object Id", "dataType": "objectId", "description": "This is mappedObjectId from model.", "label": "Mapped object id", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_mappedObjectId" } }, "mappedObjectType": { "brief": "Mapped Object Type", "dataType": "string", "description": "The object type of the object being converted to object.", "label": "Mapped Object Type", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_mappedObjectType" } }, "mappedPropertyName": { "brief": "Mapped property name", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is mappedPropertyName from model.", "label": "Mapped Property Name", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_mappedPropertyName" } }, "mappedValue": { "brief": "Mapped value", "description": "This is the mappedValue from the model.", "label": "Mapped Value", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_mappedValue" } }, "object": { "brief": "Object", "dataType": "object", "description": "This is the object from request.", "label": "Object", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_object" } }, "objectId": { "brief": "Object id", "dataType": "objectId", "description": "This is objectId of the object from request.", "label": "Object Id", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_objectId" } }, "objectType": { "brief": "ObjectType", "dataType": "string", "description": "The object type of the object being converted to mapped object.", "label": "Object Type", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_objectType" } }, "propertyName": { "brief": "Property Name", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the property name from request.", "label": "Object Id", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_propertyName" } }, "useDefaultProcessing": { "brief": "Use default processing return value", "description": "Return this value to cause default processing to occur.", "label": "Use Default Processing", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_useDefaultProcessing" } }, "value": { "brief": "Value", "description": "This is the value of the property from request.", "label": "Object Id", "runtime": { "onGetValueCFunctionName": "afw_model_internal_get_current_value" } } }

Click here for a complete list of object types and their descriptions.