Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the object type _AdaptiveValuePath_:

collectionURIs[ "/afw/_AdaptiveCollection_/core" ]
descriptionAdaptive value path.
propertyTypes{ "adaptorId": { "brief": "Adaptor id", "dataType": "string", "description": "Adaptor id.", "label": "Adaptor" }, "containsUnresolvedSubstitutions": { "brief": "The path contains unresolved substitutions", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "The path contains unresolved substitutions.", "label": "Contains Unresolved Substitutions" }, "entityObjectId": { "brief": "Object id of entity", "dataType": "string", "description": "Object id of entity.", "label": "Entity Object" }, "entityPath": { "brief": "Entity path part of normalizedPath", "dataType": "string", "description": "Entity path part of normalizedPath.", "label": "Entity Path" }, "normalizedPath": { "brief": "The URI that adaptive framework considers the normalized form of the path with substitutions complete", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the URI that adaptive framework considers the normalized form of the path with substitutions complete.", "label": "Normalized Path" }, "objectId": { "brief": "Object id including each property name preceded by a dot if embedded object reference", "dataType": "string", "description": "Object id including each property name preceded by a dot if embedded object reference.", "label": "Object" }, "objectType": { "brief": "Object type id", "dataType": "string", "description": "Object type id.", "label": "Object Type" }, "optionsObject": { "brief": "Options object", "dataType": "object", "dataTypeParameter": "_AdaptiveObjectOptions_", "description": "Options object.", "label": "Options Object" }, "originalPath": { "brief": "Original path", "dataType": "string", "description": "Original path.", "label": "Original Path" }, "propertyNames": { "brief": "Property names", "dataType": "list", "description": "Property names.", "label": "Property Names" }, "substitutedAdaptorId": { "brief": "Adaptor id was substituted from current path", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "Adaptor id was substituted from current path.", "label": "Substituted Adaptor" }, "substitutedEntireObjectId": { "brief": "Entire object id was substituted from current path", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "Entire object id was substituted from current path.", "label": "Substituted Entire Object" }, "substitutedEntityObjectId": { "brief": "Entity object id was substituted from current path", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "Entity object id was substituted from current path.", "label": "Substituted Entity Object" }, "substitutedObjectTypeId": { "brief": "Object type id was substituted from current path", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "Object type id was substituted from current path.", "label": "Substituted Object Type" }, "substitutedPropertyName": { "brief": "A property name was substituted from current path", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "A property name was substituted from current path.", "label": "Substituted Property Name" }, "substitutionOccurred": { "dataType": "boolean", "description": "Substitution occurred from current path.", "label": "Substitution Occurred" } }

Click here for a complete list of object types and their descriptions.