Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the object type _AdaptiveConfType_:

collectionURIs[ "/afw/_AdaptiveCollection_/core" ]
descriptionAn adaptive configuration (conf) type.
propertyTypes{ "description": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Description of this configuration type", "dataType": "string", "dataTypeParameter": "text/plain", "description": "Description of this configuration type.", "label": "Description", "runtime": { "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "idPropertyName": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The id property name for instances of this conf type", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the id property name for instances of this conf type. For adaptor, this is \"adaptorId\".", "label": "Id Property Name", "runtime": { "memberName": "id_property_name", "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "idRegistryType": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Registry type for instances of this conf type", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the registry type for instances of this conf type. For adaptor, this is \"adaptor_id\".", "label": "Id Registry Type", "runtime": { "memberName": "id_registry_type_id", "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "idRuntimeObjectType": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Runtime object type for instances of this conf type", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the runtime object type for instances of this conf type. For adaptor, this is \"_AdaptiveAdaptor_\".", "label": "Id Runtime Object Type", "runtime": { "memberName": "id_runtime_object_type_id", "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "isUnique": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "This configuration type can only be specified once", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "This configuration type can only be specified once.", "label": "Is Unique", "runtime": { "memberName": "is_unique" } }, "subtypePropertyName": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The subtype property name for instances of this conf type", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the subtype property name for instances of this conf type. For adaptor, this is \"adaptorType\".", "label": "Subtype Property Name", "runtime": { "memberName": "subtype_property_name", "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "subtypeRegistryType": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The subtype registry type for instances of this conf type", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the subtype registry type for instances of this conf type. For adaptor, this is \"adaptor_type\".", "label": "Subtype Registry Type", "runtime": { "memberName": "subtype_registry_type_id", "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "subtypeRuntimeObjectType": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The subtype runtime object type for instances of this conf type", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the subtype runtime object type for instances of this conf type. For adaptor, this is \"_AdaptiveAdaptorType_\".", "label": "Subtype Runtime Object Type", "runtime": { "memberName": "subtype_runtime_object_type_id", "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "title": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Title for this configuration type", "dataType": "string", "description": "Title for this configuration type.", "label": "Title", "runtime": { "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "type": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Configuration type id", "dataType": "string", "description": "Configuration type id.", "label": "Type", "runtime": { "memberName": "conf_type_id" } } }
runtime{ "indirect": true, "labels": { "objectId": "conf_type_id" }, "typedef": "afw_environment_conf_type_t" }

Click here for a complete list of object types and their descriptions.