Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the object type _AdaptiveFlag_:

collectionURIs[ "/afw/_AdaptiveCollection_/core" ]
descriptionAn adaptive flag.
propertyTypes{ "applicableFlags": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "All the applicable flags that are set when this flag is set", "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "string", "description": "All the applicable flags that are set when this flag is set.", "label": "Applicable Flags", "runtime": { "memberName": "flag_id", "valueAccessor": "applicable_flags" } }, "brief": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Brief predicate about this flag.", "dataType": "string", "description": "Describes this flag briefly, starting with an uppercase letter and ending without a period.", "label": "Brief", "runtime": { "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "description": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "This is the description of this flag", "dataType": "string", "dataTypeParameter": "text/plain", "description": "This is the description of this flag, which may provide more detail for documentation.", "label": "Description", "runtime": { "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "flagId": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "This is the key for this flag in registry type flag.", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the key for this flag in registry type flag and the objectId of its _AdaptiveFlag_ runtime object.", "label": "Flag Id", "runtime": { "memberName": "flag_id", "valueAccessor": "indirect" } }, "flagIndex": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Index assigned when flag id is registered", "dataType": "integer", "description": "Index assigned when flag id is registered.", "label": "Index", "runtime": { "memberName": "flag_index", "valueAccessor": "size" } }, "includedByFlags": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "All of the flags that include this flag", "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "string", "description": "All of the flags that include this flag. When setting flags in this list, this flag will also be set.", "label": "Included By", "runtime": { "memberName": "included_by_value", "valueAccessor": "value" } }, "includesFlags": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "All other flags that this flag includes", "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "string", "description": "All other flags that this flag includes. When setting this flat, all of the flags in this list will also be set", "label": "Includes", "runtime": { "memberName": "includes_value", "valueAccessor": "value" } } }
runtime{ "indirect": true, "labels": { "objectId": "flag_id" }, "typedef": "afw_flag_t" }

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