Adaptive Framework 0.9.0

Object Types

The following is a list of available object types, along with their descriptions.

Object TypeDescription
_AdaptiveAdaptorMetrics_Adaptor metrics.
_AdaptiveAdaptorType_A registry type adaptor_factory entry.
_AdaptiveAdaptor_Runtime adaptor information.
_AdaptiveApplicationComponents_Adaptive Application Components (afw_components).
_AdaptiveApplication_Adaptive Application.
_AdaptiveAuthorizationControl_This controls how authorization checking occurs in an Adaptive Framework application.
_AdaptiveAuthorizationDecision_This is meta for a decisionId property value of _AdaptiveAuthorizationResult_.
_AdaptiveAuthorizationHandlerType_A registry type authorization_handler_factory entry.
_AdaptiveAuthorizationHandler_Runtime authorization handler information.
_AdaptiveAuthorizationMode_This is meta for current::modeId qualified variable value.
_AdaptiveAuthorizationResult_This result of an authorization check.
_AdaptiveCollection_Describes a collection.
_AdaptiveConfType_An adaptive configuration (conf) type.
_AdaptiveConf_Adaptive Framework configuration object.
_AdaptiveConf_adaptorAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=adaptor. This object type is the parent of an _AdaptiveObjectType_ that contains adaptorType specific properties.
_AdaptiveConf_adaptor_afw_runtimeAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=adaptor adaptorType=afw_runtime conf entries. The component is automatically define with an adaptorId of "afw" and can only be redefined to add common adaptor properties such as access control.
_AdaptiveConf_adaptor_fileAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=adaptor adaptorType=file.
_AdaptiveConf_adaptor_modelAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=adaptor adaptorType=model.
_AdaptiveConf_applicationAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=application. There is only one application conf entry per Adaptive Framework instance. Use path /afw/_AdaptiveConf_application/current to access this entry at run time.
_AdaptiveConf_authorizationHandlerAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=authorization. This object type is the parent of an _AdaptiveObjectType_ that contains authorizationType specific properties.
_AdaptiveConf_authorizationHandler_scriptAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=authorizationHandler authorizationHandlerType=script.
_AdaptiveConf_extensionAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=extension.
_AdaptiveConf_logAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=log. This object type is the parent of an _AdaptiveObjectType_ that contains logType specific properties.
_AdaptiveConf_log_event_logAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=log logType=event_log. This log type is only available on Windows.
_AdaptiveConf_log_standardAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=log logType=standard. This type of log writes log messages to stdout.
_AdaptiveConf_log_syslogAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=log logType=syslog. This log type is only available on Linux.
_AdaptiveConf_requestHandlerAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=requestHandler. This object type is the parent of an _AdaptiveObjectType_ that contains handlerType specific properties.
_AdaptiveConf_requestHandler_adaptorAdaptive Framework configuration component for type=requestHandler handlerType=adaptor.
_AdaptiveContentType_There is one of these for each media type registered for a content type implementation.
_AdaptiveContextType_Runtime log information.
_AdaptiveDataTypeGenerate_This is the object type for objects in the generate/objects/_AdaptiveDataTypeGenerate_/ of command, core, and extension source directories. These objects are used by the " generate" script to generate _AdaptiveDataType_ objects.
_AdaptiveDataTypeTestCase_An adaptive data type test case.
_AdaptiveDataTypeTest_An adaptive data type test.
_AdaptiveDataType_Adaptive data type.
_AdaptiveEnvironmentRegistryType_An environment registry type.
_AdaptiveEnvironmentRegistry_This object contains a property named for each registry type and that property has a property for each entry of that type. These entries are object of the object type appropriate for the registry type.
_AdaptiveEnvironmentVariables_Environment variables of process.
_AdaptiveErrorRVDecoder_A registry type error_rv_decoder entry.
_AdaptiveError_The _AdaptiveObjectType_ for _AdaptiveError_ objects.
_AdaptiveExtension_Run time information for a loaded extension.
_AdaptiveFlag_An adaptive flag.
_AdaptiveFunctionCategory_Function category.
_AdaptiveFunctionDeclaration_A function declaration for adaptive functions and lambdas.
_AdaptiveFunctionErrorThrown_An object entry of _AdaptiveFunction_ errorsThrown list.
_AdaptiveFunctionGenerate_This is the object type for objects in the generate/objects/_AdaptiveFunctionGenerate_/ of command, core, and extension source directories. These objects are used by the " generate" script to generate _AdaptiveFunction_ objects.
_AdaptiveFunctionParameter_Adaptive function parameter meta.
_AdaptiveFunctionTestArgument_An adaptive function test argument.
_AdaptiveFunctionTestCase_An adaptive function test case.
_AdaptiveFunctionTestResult_An adaptive function test case result.
_AdaptiveFunctionTest_An adaptive function test.
_AdaptiveFunction_An adaptive function.
_AdaptiveHybridPropertiesObjects_Each property is a _AdaptiveHybridProperties_ object.
_AdaptiveHybridProperties_Each property is a hybrid value.
_AdaptiveInterface_Adaptive interface object.
_AdaptiveJournalEntry_Event journal entry.
_AdaptiveLayoutComponentTypeCategory_Layout Component Type Category.
_AdaptiveLayoutComponentType_All adaptive layout component object types are derived from this object type. Each component type must have a corresponding object type with an id of "_AdaptiveLayoutComponentType_" followed by a unique component type id (componentType). These object types defines the properties of the object that is passed to their associated implementation.
_AdaptiveLayoutComponent_A layout component.
_AdaptiveLock_An adaptive flag.
_AdaptiveLogType_A registry type log_factory entry.
_AdaptiveLog_Runtime log information.
_AdaptiveManifest_Adaptive Framework extension manifest.
_AdaptiveMetaPropertyType_The object type for properties in the "propertyTypes" property of an object's meta.
_AdaptiveMetaPropertyTypes_Object type of the propertyTypes property of _AdaptiveMeta_.
_AdaptiveMeta_Object type for adaptive object meta information.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnAddObject_Qualifier current:: for model onAddObject.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnDeleteObject_Qualifier current:: for model onDeleteObject.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnGetInitialObjectId_Qualifier current:: for model onGetInitialObjectId.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnGetInitialValue_Qualifier current:: for model onGetInitialValue.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnGetObject_Qualifier current:: for model onGetObject.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnGetProperty_Qualifier current:: for model onGetProperty.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnModifyObject_Qualifier current:: for model onModifyObject.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnReplaceObject_Qualifier current:: for model onReplaceObject.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnRetrieveObjects_Qualifier current:: for model onRetrieveObjects.
_AdaptiveModelCurrentOnSetProperty_Qualifier current:: for model onSetProperty.
_AdaptiveModelCurrent_Adaptive Framework current:: all models.
_AdaptiveModelObjectType_The adaptive object type of all adaptive model object type objects.
_AdaptiveModelObjectTypes_The adaptive object type of all object that contains _AdaptiveModelObjectTypes_ objects as properties.
_AdaptiveModelPropertyType_The object type for properties in the "propertyTypes" property of instances of _AdaptiveModelObjectType_. This includes all of the properties from _AdaptiveValueMeta_ plus additional private properties used by Adaptive Framework to support the property.
_AdaptiveModelPropertyTypes_Object type of the propertyTypes property of instances of _AdaptiveModelObjectType_.
_AdaptiveModel_Adaptive map object type.
_AdaptiveObjectOptions_The options used for objects returned by Adaptive Framework.
_AdaptiveObjectType_The adaptive object type of all adaptive object type objects.
_AdaptiveObjectTypes_The adaptive object type of all object that contains _AdaptiveObjectType_ objects as properties.
_AdaptivePackageCompileOptions_A LANG as defined under "CMAKE_LANG_COMPILER_ID" in the CMake documentation.
_AdaptivePackageSrcdirInfo_This is package information that is needed for a source directory by afwdev and related development tools.
_AdaptivePackageSrcdirs_Property name is a srcdir and value is srcdir info.
_AdaptivePackage_This is essential information that is needed for this AFW package by afwdev and related development tools.
_AdaptiveParsedURI_Adaptive parsed URI.
_AdaptivePolymorphicFunction_This is a development time only object type. Objects of this type in generate/objects are processed to produce one polymorphic _AdaptiveFunction_ plus one for each dataType in polymorphicDataTypes.
_AdaptivePropertyTypes_Object type of the propertyTypes property of an object type.
_AdaptiveProvisioningPeer_A provisioning peer consumes and/or produces adaptive journal entries.
_AdaptiveQualifierDefinitions_This object type used for qualifier definitions where each property is a _AdaptivePropertyTypes_ object with a qualifier id as a property name.
_AdaptiveQueryCriteriaFilter_This is the object type for the filter property of the queryCriteria parameter of retrieve object functions.
_AdaptiveQueryCriteria_This is the object type for the queryCriteria parameter of retrieve object functions.
_AdaptiveRequestContext_Request subject.
_AdaptiveRequestHandlerType_A registry type request_handler_factory entry.
_AdaptiveRequestHandler_Runtime request handler information.
_AdaptiveRequestProperties_Object type for adaptive request properties. This includes most of the environment variables that are supplied by the associated server.
_AdaptiveResponseAction_The result of an action.
_AdaptiveRuntimeCustom_A registry type runtime_custom entry.
_AdaptiveRuntimeLabels_This is the object type of the labels property of _AdaptiveRuntimeObject_.
_AdaptiveRuntimeObjectMapInf_A registry type runtime_object_map_inf entry.
_AdaptiveRuntimeObject_This is the object type of the runtime property of _AdaptiveObjectType_.
_AdaptiveRuntimeProperty_This is the object type of the runtime property of _AdaptiveValueMeta_.
_AdaptiveRuntimeValueAccessor_A registry type runtime_value_accessor entry.
_AdaptiveServer_Object type for afw_server_fcgi server info.
_AdaptiveServiceConf_An adaptive service.
_AdaptiveServiceType_An adaptive service type.
_AdaptiveService_An adaptive service.
_AdaptiveSingleton_A registry type singleton entry.
_AdaptiveSystemInfo_Objects of this type represent runtime information about the system Adaptive Framework is running on. The meta of instances of _AdaptiveSystemInfo_ should contain the description of the instance plus supplemental property type information.
_AdaptiveTag_This defines the purpose of a tag id. Among other places, tags can be specified in object types and property types. All tags that begin with "_Adaptive" are reserved by Adaptive Framework. The requirement that other tags be defined is up to the application.
_AdaptiveTestScriptResult_This is the object type of objects produced by evaluating a test script.
_AdaptiveTestScriptTestResult_This is the object type of objects in the _AdaptiveTestScriptResult_ "tests" list property.
_AdaptiveValueInf_A registry type value_inf entry.
_AdaptiveValueMeta_The object type for an adaptive value's meta.
_AdaptiveValuePath_Adaptive value path.
_AdaptiveVersionInfo_The version information associated with an id.