Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the object type _AdaptiveFunctionGenerate_:

collectionURIs[ "/afw/_AdaptiveCollection_/core" ]
descriptionThis is the object type for objects in the generate/objects/_AdaptiveFunctionGenerate_/ of command, core, and extension source directories. These objects are used by the " generate" script to generate _AdaptiveFunction_ objects.
propertyTypes{ "additionalArgCheck": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Additional argument check", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "Additional argument checking is needed. This is residual from before auto casting so may be deprecated in the future.", "label": "Additional Arg Check", "required": false }, "afwCamelCaseFunctionLabel": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The functionLabel prefixed with \"afw\" and converted to camel case", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the functionLabel prefixed with \"afw\" and converted to camel case.", "label": "Prefixed Camel Case", "required": false }, "brief": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Brief description for this function", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is a predicate for the function with the first letter capitalized and without a trailing period.", "label": "Brief", "required": false }, "camelCaseFunctionLabel": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The functionLabel converted to camel case.", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the functionLabel converted to camel case.", "label": "Camel Case", "required": false }, "category": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Function category", "dataType": "string", "description": "Function category.", "label": "Category", "required": true }, "dataType": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Method for this data type", "dataType": "string", "description": "If present, this is a method for this data type.", "label": "Data Type", "required": false }, "dataTypeMethod": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Data type method", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "If true, this is a data type method that can be called polymorphically or by prefixing the function with the data type followed by double colons ('::').", "label": "Data Type Method", "required": false }, "deprecated": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "This function is deprecated", "dataType": "boolean", "defaultValue": false, "description": "This indicates that the function is deprecated and may go away at some point.", "label": "Deprecated" }, "description": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Description of this function", "dataType": "string", "dataTypeParameter": "text/plain", "description": "This is the function's description, used for documentation purposes.", "label": "Description", "required": false }, "details": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Details about this function's other properties", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is a sentence that contains details about the other properties of this function.", "label": "Details" }, "errorsThrown": { "brief": "Errors thrown by this function", "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "object _AdaptiveFunctionErrorThrown_", "description": "Errors that can be thrown by this function.", "label": "Errors Thrown", "required": false }, "functionId": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The function's id", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the function's id.", "label": "Function", "required": true }, "functionLabel": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The function's label", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the function's label.", "label": "Function Label", "required": true }, "functionSignature": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The function's signature", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the function's signature.", "label": "Function Signature", "required": false }, "op": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The function's operator", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the function's operator. This is not used at the moment, but may be used in a future expression syntax.", "label": "Operator" }, "parameters": { "brief": "The function's parameters", "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "object _AdaptiveFunctionParameter_", "description": "These are the function's parameters.", "label": "Parameters" }, "polymorphic": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "This function can be called polymorphically", "dataType": "boolean", "defaultValue": false, "description": "This indicates that this function can be called polymorphically without specifying the <Type>:: qualifier. The appropriate implementation of the function will be called based on the dataType and/or dataTypeParameter of the first function parameter value.", "label": "Polymorphic" }, "polymorphicDataTypes": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "This function will call the appropriate function when the first parameter is one of these data types", "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "string", "defaultValue": false, "description": "This function will call the appropriate function when the first parameter is one of these data types.", "label": "Polymorphic Data Types" }, "polymorphicExecuteFunction": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Polymorphic execute function label", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the label in the C source of the polymorphic execute function used for this function.", "label": "Polymorphic Function Label", "required": false }, "polymorphicOverrides": { "allowQuery": false, "brief": "Polymorphic overrides", "dataType": "object", "description": "This allows overrides, for particular data types, of properties for this function.", "label": "Polymorphic Function Label", "required": false }, "polymorphicExecuteFunctionEvaluatesFirstParameter": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "First parameter evaluate deferred to polymorphicExecuteFunction", "dataType": "boolean", "defaultValue": false, "description": "If true, the first parameter evaluate is deferred to polymorphicExecuteFunction function. If false or not specified, standard polymorphic function processing evaluates the first parameter to determine the appropriate evaluate to call.", "label": "Defer Evaluate" }, "pure": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Given exactly the same parameter values, this function will always return the same result", "dataType": "boolean", "defaultValue": false, "description": "This indicates that, given exactly the same parameter values, this function will always return the same result and will not cause any side effects.", "label": "Pure" }, "returns": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "The return parameter", "dataType": "object", "dataTypeParameter": "_AdaptiveFunctionParameter_", "description": "The return parameter.", "label": "Returns", "required": true }, "scriptSupport": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Script support function", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "This property can only be true for afw core functions that supports a statement in adaptive script. If true, there must be a #define in afw_value.h of the form \"AFW_VALUE_CALL_SCRIPT_SUPPORT_NUMBER_\" followed by the upper case of the functionId to specify the special number associated with this function along with supporting code in afw_function_script.c.", "label": "Script support" }, "sideEffects": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Side effects for this function", "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "string", "description": "Any side effects that this function may produce as a result of execution.", "label": "Side Effects" }, "signatureOnly": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Signature only", "dataType": "boolean", "description": "This is a signature with an unimplemented execute function.", "label": "Signature Only" }, "useExecuteFunction": { "allowQuery": true, "brief": "Execute function label", "dataType": "string", "description": "This is the label in the C source of the execute function used for this function.", "label": "Use Execute Function", "required": false } }

Click here for a complete list of object types and their descriptions.