Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of properties for the function flag_replace_defaults:

briefReplace the list of flags used to determine the default active flags
descriptionCompletely replace the list of the flagId of flags that are used to determine the default active flags when an execution context (xctx) is created. This list can contain the flagId of flags that have not yet been registered. These flags and the flags they include are set as the active default flags. This change only lasts for the life of the current adaptive environment (e.g. until the adaptive server or afw command ends). If you want the change to persist, change the defaultFlags property in the application config.
parameters[ { "dataType": "list", "dataTypeParameter": "string", "description": "The list of the flagId of flags used to determine the default active flags.", "name": "flagId" } ]
returns{ "dataType": "null" }