Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of functions in the category miscellaneous

annotateCreate an annotated value.
compare_uriCompare two URIs.
debugConditionally, based on the detail parameter, write a value as a string to the debug file descriptor (usually stderr).
execution_start_time_localReturn local dateTime when the execution context was created. This will usually be the start of request time.
execution_start_time_utcReturn UTC dateTime when the execution context was created. This will usually be the start of request time.
generate_uuidGenerate a UUID.
is_definedTest value returning boolean True if it is not undefined.
is_nullishTest value returning boolean True if it is null or undefined.
logEvaluate and convert value to String and log it.
now_localReturn current local dateTime.
now_utcReturn current UTC dateTime.
nullish_coalescingReturns the first value of values that is not null or undefined leaving the remaining values unevaluated.
optional_chainingReturns undefined if arg1 is null or undefined without evaluating arg2, but otherwise returns evaluated value of arg2.
parse_uriParse a URI.
performPerform actions right away.
traceWrite a value to a trace log.
variable_existsReturn the true if the named variable exists.
variable_getReturn the value of a variable. If variable is not available, return a default or null value.
variable_is_not_nullReturn the true if the named variable exists and is not null.
void_operatorThis is the support function for the void operator which evaluates value and returns undefined.