Adaptive Framework 0.9.0


The following is a list of functions in the category stream

closeThis will close an open stream
flushWrite the content of the stream's buffers to its destination.
get_stream_errorGet the most recent stream error.
open_fileThis will open a file stream.
open_responseThis will open a response text write-only stream that will be written to the http response.
open_uriThis will open a read or write stream for a URI.
printEvaluate and convert 0 or more values to its string value, then write them to stdout. An undefined value is represented by '<undefined>'.
printlnEvaluate and convert 0 or more values to their string value, then write them to stdout. A newline character ('\n') is written after the last value. An undefined value is represented by '<undefined>'.
readRead a UTF-8 text stream up to a specified number of octets. The stream must contain valid UTF-8 or an error is thrown.
read_to_base64BinaryRead a stream up to a specified number of octets. The result will be the internal memory of a base64Binary value.
read_to_hexBinaryRead a stream up to a specified number of octets. The result will be the internal memory of a hexBinary value.
readlnRead a UTF-8 text stream line. The stream must contain valid UTF-8 or an error is thrown.
streamThis will return the streamNumber for a streamId. This function useful to obtain the number of the automatically opened standard streams "console", "stderr" and "stdout" as well and any other open stream.
writeEvaluate and convert 0 or more values to its string value, then write them to stream. An value with an undefined value is represented by '<undefined>'.
write_internalWrite a value's internal memory. This is especially useful for writing data type base64Binary and hexBinary.
writelnEvaluate and convert 0 or more values to its string value, then write them to stream. A newline character ('\n') is written after the last value. An undefined value is represented by '<undefined>'.